The Cagayan Valley Regional Project Monitoring Committee (RPMC2) conducted a Field Monitoring Visit (FMV) cum Project Facilitation Session to selected projects in the region on November 17, 18, and 22, 2022. Projects visited were two roads and a bridge project of the DPWH RO2, the Quirino Integrated Rural Development Project (QuIRDP), and the E-CLIP Halfway House project in Quirino province.
The three-day FMV verified the physical and financial status of the visited projects and discussed problems encountered during their implementation.

The PHP1.19 billion Tuguegarao City West Diversion Road, an 8.99-kilometer four lane alternate road starting from Barangay Carig and traversing three barangays, will be completed by 2029. This road will ease the traffic bottleneck within the vicinity of the Regional Government Center, in a recently opened mall, and in the CBD of Tuguegarao City. Given the project’s importance, the monitoring team recommended for increase in funding allocation to make it passable from DOH junction to Bagay road by 2024 in the meantime that concrete paving is ongoing.
The PHP 332.57 million Tumauini By-pass Road Project, a 3.58 km four-lane concrete road started in 30 January 2018, will be completed on January 13, 2023. The monitoring team recommended the immediate settlement of the remaining 70 percent claims of RROW and updating of the zoning ordinance in the project area in anticipation of its near completion and impending rapid development within the proximity of the by-pass road.
The two-lane concrete bridge project in Cabagan, Isabela connects Barangay Cansan to Barangay Bagutari. The bridge is 720.80 linear meters with approaches at 905 linear meters. The project is 88.35 percent complete.
The QuIRD is a USD9.5 million-project funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). Its activities include the setting up of integrated model farms, construction of Cattle Breeding Center, and the Quirino Livelihood for Everyone (Q-LifE) Processing Center. The facilities will support agroforestry, cattle production and its value chain. As of today, the project is 87 percent complete and shall be finished by March 2023..

The monitoring team also visited the completed PHP5 million Halfway House project in Quirino under the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP). This serves as a temporary shelter to former rebels while they are undergoing rehabilitation, as well as educational and skills training center.
The monitoring team is composed of personnel from the Presidential Management Staff (PMS), the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).